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repayment of debt中文是什么意思

用"repayment of debt"造句"repayment of debt"怎么读"repayment of debt" in a sentence


  • 偿还债务


  • He took advantage of other 's difficulties to press for the repayment of debts .
  • Are being seized for repayment of debt
  • Are being seized for repayment of debt
  • 3 secretly withdrawing funds or hiding property to evade repayment of debts
  • The dissertation is divided into six chapters . chapter 1 , summary , which explain the importance of the topic and suggest the system , method , and main contents of this dissertation . chapter 2 : the research of the theory of national debt and the practice of the debts issuing in china , in this part , we sum up the theory of national debts and the method of researching moderate scale in china and other countries . chapter 3 : the analysis of burden of national debts in china , which analyze the debts " burden by the rate of debts " burden and the rate of repayment of debts and the degree dependence of debts and so on . chapter 4 : influence factor study of the reasonable limit of national debts " quantity , in this chapter we get the factors that mostly affect the scale . using the actual datum and modern econometric and statistical analysis method , we conclude that the repayment of capital and interest and the finance deficit are the most important factors
用"repayment of debt"造句  


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